Fridays 10:00 - 11:30am (term time only)
Greystones Playmates is a friendly and informal playgroup for all preschool aged children (0-5 yrs) and their parents / carers. We meet every Friday morning during term time in the church hall from 10:00 - 11:30am. The session starts with open play in which children can choose whatever they want to play with - there are several play-zones to choose from, including a craft table. At around 10:30 we serve snacks and refreshments for everyone, then there’s more time to play until ‘tidy-up time’ just after 11. We finish the session with a 10-15 minute singing time. The sessions are run by a team from St Gabriel’s church and they’re all very friendly. Whether you’ve been to the group before or you’re thinking of trying it out you’re very welcome!
Kids group on Sundays
We love to have children in church. We want to make sure that children and their parents feel comfortable and welcome.
We have groups for children aged 3-11 at our 10:00am services, and a creche room upstairs for parents and 0-3’s with seating, toys and an audio link to the service.
About once a month we have an all-age service when we enjoy being all in together for the whole service.
Our kids’ groups are led by trained, DBS checked volunteers.
Big Questions: In 2020 we asked our kids and young people to come up with some big questions about God and faith. Then we interviewed members of our congregation and wise friends, asking them to give their best answers. We put these interviews together to create short videos and if you’d like to watch them, please click on the button below.