Stuart and Kim Ibbotson run a group fortnightly on Mondays at 7pm

Alistair and Catherine Stevenson run a group every Tuesday at 8pm

Steve and Liz Dewey run a group fortnightly on Wednesdays at 7.30pm

Mike and Christine Carney run a group fortnightly on Thursdays at 7.30pm

Peter and Paula Smithers run a group fortnightly on a Friday morning at 10.15am

Steve and Liz Pendleby run a group fortnightly on a Tuesday Afternoon at 2pm.


Growth Groups

Growth groups are small communities based around our vision triangle - UP, IN and OUT

Growth groups look to grow. We do this is lots of different ways, but we have these three key priorities:

  • our relationship with and love for God

  • our relationship with and love for one another

  • our relationship and love for the world.

Growths groups will also grow in size and eventually look to start and grow another growth group!

We encourage everyone who wants to be a member of the church family to join one.

If you would like to join a group, please fill in the form below or contact Zoey Steele at for more information.