You can access all our talks on YouTube.
You can access old talks below:
You can access old talks below:
Alistair Stevenson preaches on 'Christ The King'. Readings: Eph 1. 15 - end and Matthew 25. 31 - end.
Pete Gaunt speaks on Remembrance Sunday Readings: 1 Cor. 11: 23 - 26 and John 15: 9 - 14
Alistair Stevenson speaks on Commitment Sunday focusing on Psalm 103
Libby Culmer speaks on Generosity Sunday.
Guest speaker Ben Wollard (CEO of Together for Sheffield) speaks on 'Everyday Supernatural: For the sake of the World'.
Catherine Stevenson (using the pre-written sermon by Rachel Crossley) continues our Everyday Supernatural series focusing on healing. Readings: James 5: 13 - 16 and Luke 9: 1- 6
Alistair Stevenson continues our series on Everyday Supernatural speaking on how we hear from God and particularly prophecy. Reading: 1 Cor. 14: 20 - 33
Alistair Stevenson continues our series on Everyday Supernatural focusing on speaking in tongues. Reading: 1 Cor. 14: 1 - 19
Alistair Stevenson continues our series 'Everyday Supernatural'. Title: Do Whatever he tells you