Welcome to our online service - 30 July 23

  • This service sheet can be used individually or with households.

  • We would encourage you to say (or even sing) hymns and songs out loud.

  • Prayers, other liturgy or readings can be said out loud or silently, corporately or individually.

If you are able, we would also like invite you to join us for our main Sunday services, 10am, live on Zoom and in the church and 11:30am in church. Even if you have never been to St Gabriel’s before we would love you to join us. Please get in touch with the vicar Alistair (vicar@saintgs.co.uk) and he will send you the Zoom details.   

Please join us for public worship in the church building this Sunday at 10am or 11:30am. 

Opening Prayer:

Loving God, we have come to worship you.

Help us to pray to you in faith,

to sing your praise with gratitude,

and to listen to your word with eagerness;

through Christ our Lord.




Dear Lord and Father of mankind,

forgive our foolish ways;

re-clothe us in our rightful mind;

in purer lives Thy service find,

in deeper reverence, praise.


2.  With that deep hush subduing all

our words and works that drown

the tender whisper of Thy call,

as noiseless let Thy blessing fall

as fell Thy manna down.


3. Drop Thy still dews of quietness,

till all our strivings cease;

take from our souls the strain and stress,

and let our ordered lives confess

the beauty of Thy peace.


4. Breathe through the heats of our desire

Thy coolness and Thy balm;

let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;

speak through the earthquake,

wind, and fire,

O still small voice of calm


John Greenleaf Whittier


Almighty God,

to whom all hearts are open,

all desires known,

and from whom no secrets are hidden:

cleanse the thoughts of our hearts

by the inspiration of your holy Spirit,

that we may perfectly love you,

and worthily magnify your holy name;

through Christ our Lord.



The gospel calls us to turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ.

As we offer ourselves to him in penitence and faith

Jesus Christ, risen master and triumphant Lord, we come to you in sorrow for our sins, and confess to you our weakness and unbelief.


We have lived by our own strength,

and not by the power of your resurrection.

In your mercy, forgive us.

Lord, hear us and help us.


We have lived by the light of our own eyes, as faithless and not believing.

In your mercy, forgive us.

Lord, hear us and help us.


We have lived for this world alone,

and doubted our home in heaven.

In your mercy, forgive us.

Lord, hear us and help us.


May the God of love and power

forgive us and free us from our sins,

heal and strengthen us by his Spirit,

and raise us to new life in Christ our Lord.



Lord of heaven and earth,

as Jesus taught his disciples to be persistent in prayer,

give us patience and courage never to lose hope,

but always to bring our prayers before you;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


SING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d5HbddjrTU

I believe in Jesus;

I believe He is the Son of God.

I believe He died and rose again;

I believe He paid for us all.

(Men) And I believe You're here now.

(Women) I believe that You're here

(All) Standing in our midst.     

(Men) Here with the power to heal now,

(Women) With the power to heal,

(All) And the grace to forgive.      


2.  I believe in You, Lord;

I believe You are the Son of God.

I believe You died and rose again;

I believe You paid for us all.

(Men) And I believe You're here now.

(Women) I believe that You're here

(All) Standing in our midst.     

(Men) Here with the power to heal now,

(Women) With the power to heal,

(All) And the grace to forgive.      

Mark Nelson (c) 1987 Mercy Publishing/Thankyou Music


  Matthew 13. 31 - 33, 44 - 52


Here is another illustration Jesus used: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”


Jesus also used this illustration: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.”


“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.


“Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!


“Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net that was thrown into the water and caught fish of every kind. When the net was full, they dragged it up onto the shore, sat down, and sorted the good fish into crates, but threw the bad ones away. That is the way it will be at the end of the world. The angels will come and separate the wicked people from the righteous, throwing the wicked into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Do you understand all these things?”


“Yes,” they said, “we do.”


Then he added, “Every teacher of religious law who becomes a disciple in the Kingdom of Heaven is like a home-owner who brings from his storeroom new gems of truth as well as old.”


This the word of the Lord.

            Thanks be to God.




Instead of a talk this Sunday, we would encourage you to take time to consider and meditate on the passages, particularly the passage from Matthew’s gospel.

As you do so, you might like to consider how you would respond to these questions:


·       Why is it significant that the ‘seed’ of the Kingdom starts so small?


·       Reflect on the nature of a seed – what does that tells us about God’s Kingdom?


·       How can you plant seeds for God’s Kingdom?


·       Ian Paul says: ‘The kingdom of heaven seems at first to be something small and insignificant—small seeds are almost as fine as dust, and just as easily blown away or lost—but there will come a time when, like the plants that seeds produce, it is impossible to ignore.’ ([1] https://www.psephizo.com/biblical-studies/the-kingdom-as-treasure-pearl-leaven-and-net-in-matthew-13/ )


·       How does the parable of the yeast contrast with the parable of weeds (earlier in the chapter)?


·       The yeast ‘intermingles’ with the dough and makes the whole dough rise and become bread. What does this tell us about God’s Kingdom?


·       How is the Kingdom of heaven precious?


·       Ian Paul says ‘In the kingdom of heaven, set out in the teaching and ministry of Jesus, God is doing a radical new thing—the same radical new thing that he has always been doing. He is the living God. And this new work of grace is one that demands response if it is to be received as gift; whether people will respond or not in itself brings division (Matt 13.57).’ ([1] https://www.psephizo.com/biblical-studies/the-kingdom-as-treasure-pearl-leaven-and-net-in-matthew-13/ )










I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth


I believe in Jesus Christ,

his only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died, and was buried;

he descended to the dead.


On the third day he rose again;

he ascended into heaven,

he is seated at the right hand

of the Father,

and he will come to judge the living and the dead.


I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting.





O Lord, hear my prayer:

When I call answer me.

O Lord, hear my prayer,

O Lord, hear my prayer:

Come and listen to me.

Jacques Berthier/Taizé.

Copyright © 1982 Ateliers et Presses de Taize (France)




We pray that Christ may be seen in the life of the Church.

Jesus, Lord of the Church,

in your mercy, hear us.

You have called us into the family of those who are

the children of God.

May our love for our brothers and sisters

be strengthened by your grace.

Jesus, Lord of the Church,

in your mercy, hear us.


You have called us to be a temple

where the Holy Spirit can dwell.

Give us clean hands and pure hearts,

so that our lives will reflect your holiness.

Jesus, Lord of the Church,

in your mercy, hear us.


You have called us to be a light to the world,

so that those in darkness come to you.

May our lives shine

as a witness to the saving grace you have given for all.

Jesus, Lord of the Church,

in your mercy, hear us.


You have called us to be members of your body,

so that when one suffers, all suffer together.

We ask for your comfort and healing power

to bring hope to those in distress.

Jesus, Lord of the Church,

in your mercy, hear us.


You have called us to be the Bride,

where you, Lord, are the Bridegroom.

Prepare us for the wedding feast,

where we will be united with you for ever.

Jesus, Lord of the Church,

hear our prayer,

and make us one in heart and mind

to serve you with joy for ever.



Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your Kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those

who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours

now and for ever. Amen

SING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsJdmhTRSm4

FAITHFUL GOD, faithful God,

All sufficient One, I worship You.

Shalom my peace,

My strong Deliverer,

I lift You up, faithful God.


Chris Bowater.

Copyright � 1990 Sovereign Lifestyle Music.

Take a moment to consider how you are going to continue to give to the life of the church and support other aid agencies and mission organisations.


Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power,

the glory, the splendour, and the majesty;

for everything in heaven and on earth is yours.

All things come from you,

and of your own do we give you.


SING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rflCCx3QRys

Jesus is Lord!

Creation's voice proclaims it,

for by His power each tree and flower

was planned and made.

Jesus is Lord! The universe declares it;

sun, moon and stars in heaven cry:


'Jesus is Lord!'

Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord!

Praise Him with hallelujah,

for Jesus is Lord!


2. Jesus is Lord!

Yet from His throne eternal

in flesh He came to die in pain

on Calvary's tree.

Jesus is Lord!

From Him all life proceeding,

yet gave His life a ransom

thus setting us free.


Jesus is Lord………


3. Jesus is Lord!

O'er sin the mighty conqueror,

from death He rose and all His foes

shall own His name.

Jesus is Lord!

God sends His Holy Spirit

to show by works of power

that Jesus is Lord.


Jesus is Lord…….


David Mansell © 1979 Springride?Word Music (UK)/

CopyCare Lrd


God our Father, you have made known to us again the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: confirm our faith and fix our eyes on him until the day dawns and Christ the Morning Star rises in our hearts. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. 

And the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among us and remain with us always.

You can read the sermon in the service below